Record Keeping
A good place to start is to ask yourself some basic questions: How many visitors are in your building right now? How many were there yesterday? What about on 10th July 2017? If you don't know the answers, it's crucial to understand why this matters. Accurate visitor records are essential for various reasons. For instance, if something was stolen, someone was injured, or a contaminant entered your production process, knowing who was on-site during a specific timeframe is invaluable.
Visitor management is crucial for maintaining security in both schools and businesses. You don't want visitors wandering around your building unsupervised. Even with access control measures like keycards, security can be compromised if someone holds the door open for a stranger. Issuing visitor badges helps identify legitimate visitors and unauthorised personnel. An effective visitor ID badge should include the date, the host's name, and ideally, a photo.
Legal Responsibilities for Visitors
Businesses and schools have a duty of care to all their visitors. This duty is covered by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA) and its related regulations, as well as potential claims for compensation under civil law. The HSWA requires employers to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that non-employees are not put at risk during their activities. Visitors should be informed about any hazardous activities, safety rules, and procedures they must follow, and steps to prevent access to dangerous areas.
Emergency Evacuations
In addition to evacuating employees during an emergency, your organisation is responsible for visitor safety and accounting for them at designated muster points. A robust visitor management system provides a real-time evacuation list of all building visitors, enabling accurate headcounts and alerting emergency services if someone is unaccounted for.
Professional Image
A good visitor management system helps create a great first impression and promotes the desired image for your business or school. Research from Princeton University shows that first impressions are formed in about one-tenth of a second. From the moment a customer, parent, job applicant, or partner enters your reception, they are forming a critical first impression. A professional welcome and efficient check-in process significantly contribute to a positive perception.
All schools and many businesses should define and document their visitor management processes in a Visitor Policy. This policy sets ground rules to avoid confusion or inconsistency in receiving visitors. Organisations with sensitive security needs or hazardous equipment, such as schools or food production facilities, must address these issues in their visitor management policy.
Further Resources:
Blog: 5 Best Practice Requirements for School Visitor Management
Blog: What legal duty of care do you owe to a visitor?
Blog: How to run a great fire drill and not forget about visitors