Lanyard Badge Reels from SG World | SG World | SG World

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How lanyo-yos can help you

Lanyo-yos combine heavy-duty lanyards with the convenience of retractable yo-yo badge reels, providing the user with a convenient and wearable solution which can be easily examined or used against proximity sensors. Lanyo-yos are suitable for use with visitor passes, ID cards or contractor badges in plastic wallets or landscape or portrait ID card holders.


Black combined Lanyard with Yo-Yo
£19.80 VAT excl.

Black Combo Lanyard and Retractable Yo-Yo Badge Reel (Packs of 10)

Plain black neck strap lanyard with breakaway and attached retractable badge reel yo-yo. Cards, lanyards and accessories are sold separately. The i...

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Blue combined Lanyard with Yo-Yo
£19.80 VAT excl.

Blue Combination Lanyard and Retractable Yo-Yo Badge Reel (Packs of 10)

Plain blue neck strap lanyard with breakaway and attached retractable badge reel yo-yo. Cards, lanyards and accessories are sold separately. The im...

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