Visitor Pass Standard Packs of 250 | SG World | SG World

Visitor Pass - Standard (Packs of 250)

£41.80 VAT excl.

The visitor pass system allows organisations to issue all of their visitors with a visitor pass featuring Health & Safety rules that must be followed whilst on-site. This pass is then visibly worn by the visitor throughout their stay, clearly indicating that they are authorised to be on site. The emergency evacuation register within the system provides an accurate, up-to-date record of all visitors on site which is useful in the event of an emergency.

For use with a writing board - please click here to see our range

Looking for our School Visitor Pass Kit? Click here

Cards, lanyards and accessories are sold separately.

Paper or Electronic?

SG World have a full range of print and software visitor management products so you can choose the solution that’s right for you. Check out our visitor management software platform here

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